You all know me,when I get impressed by a product or service, I will rave about it for weeks on end. And here I am again, to rave,about a guy,whose salon services left me in awe.
I mean, had I known him earlier,my scalp would not have been subjugated to so much unnecessary heat and chemicals.
But now that I have, I can sigh with relief and happily declare that my days of teary salon moments are officially over!!
.Here is how it all started.

Last week, my hair was all over the place, messy and un-tame-able,and as women,you know that when your hair is messy,it can literally affect your self esteem.
I realized that I needed very professional hands to put it back in order, and fast!
But with all the growth I had accumulated,I couldn't trust just about anyone.Some people burn your scalp with harsh chemicals,others pull your hair apart, literally, and by the time you leave the salon,you are even more stressed than when you walked in.
But my experience with Victor Christian was different.
I was given VIP treatment, like a boss you know, allowed to relax and the ambiance in the salon was the kind that calms frantic nerves.
And after a few hours of washing,cutting,layering and everything in between,I could not believe what I saw in the mirror!
Sheer perfection!
My hair was laid for the gods.
It looked like a weave even.
I immediately hit the photo studio to take some pictures so I could have memories of this beautiful moment forever.
Here is a step by step process (in pictures) that was taken by my very good friend Denis Nsubuga,who aspires to be one of the best photographers in the country.How did he do,by the way?